Why January Felt So Long

You probably aren’t the only one who felt like January was never ending–for most this is how it felt. We’re already one week down of February and it already feels like it’s moving faster.  

Post-Holiday Blues
Regardless if the holidays are enjoyable for you or not–they are overwhelming and draining. You’re not in your normal routine, spending more, eating more, seeing more family and friends, etc. After all of this ends it can be difficult to get back into a normal schedule. You may being feeling emotional because the holidays are happier times or emotionally drained because they aren’t. Sometimes it can take the whole month of January to recover.

The new year tends to bring lots of changes. Maybe a new job, moving, ending a relationship, joining a new club in school…this can be a lot to handle. Although many of these things may bring good for you, it’s still a huge adjustment and getting used to it can seem like forever.

Gloomy Weather
Unless you have the luxury of living in a place that’s warm year round or having a summer and winter home, you most likely have to deal with some unpleasant weather. Maybe you like the snow but the cold generally makes people less happy. The days are shorter, there’s less sunshine, in turn just making the month seem even longer.

New Years Resa-what?
If you’re attempting to make a new years resolution this goes along with change– doing something you’re not used to and don’t particularly enjoy can make time drag. You’re wondering if your month of whole 30 will ever end or threw your resolution out the window after a week and now you’re waiting for a fresh month to start again. Never. Ending.

If you’re reading this, you made it through the brutal month of January. The rest of the year will probably fly by, so enjoy the ride.

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