A Letter to My Ex Best Friend

I keep reading similar posts about letters to ex best friends but nothing really seems to fit my situation so I thought I would write my own. We didn’t get in a huge fight, nothing tragic happened, you didn’t have a kid or start dating someone I used to like, we didn’t even really grow apart- we just stopped talking.

Our relationship just disappeared like a dirt road being paved- all of the bumps, holes, and memories we left along the way were just paved over never to be seen again. 
I honestly can’t even remember the last conversation we had or the last thing we did together. I moved and was no longer right around the corner. You never asked me how things were with the move, how I liked it, if you could come visit or if I could visit you. I know I could have reached out to you but we had been through this before- I was always the one who reached out. Why should it always be me?

Days, weeks, months, and now YEARS have went by and I haven’t seen you or spoken to you. I thought maybe I would run into you the few times I was back around but I didn’t. I figured you may wonder why we stopped talking and reach out. Nothing. 

I’ll never really know why our friendship ended the way it did. We both live different lives now. I think of you when one of our old songs comes on, if I’m driving past a certain place, reading my old journal, or even when I feel like I have no one to turn too wishing you were still around. 

Thanks for the memories and being there when you were, I wish you the best in life and hope you achieve great things. Maybe one day that newly paved road will get worn down and under it’s surface will be bits and pieces of our old dirt road. But maybe, they will repave the road before it starts to reveal old memories.