Spice Up Your Chicken, Spice Up Your Life

Ever have really dry chicken that takes you forever to eat? If you’re not really good at cooking and you’re trying to eat clean- you probably know my struggle. For a while now I’ve been eating chicken with just some seasonings on top- like chicken, Italian, garlic, etc. They aren’t terrible but it definitely gets boring. Last night I had a chicken break through and made TWO different kinds I’ve never had before.

The fun thing about cooking is the recipe never really has to be exact- you have wiggle room (unlike with baking, which is not my area of expertise) So here are my “recipes” but I encourage you to switch it up!

Recipe #1
Boneless, skinless, chicken breast (tenders, thin sliced, regular, doesn’t matter)
Plain greek yogurt(on top, or cover/marinate)
Parmesan cheese- sprinkled on, not too much!
Garlic powder(or fresh garlic, whatever floats your boat)
Bake and enjoy!! So good and not bad for you.

Recipe #2
Boneless, skinless, chicken breast (cut into bite sized pieces)
Unsalted chicken broth
Plain greek yogurt
Curry powder
Ground flax seed(I completely forgot this part so I’ll try it next time)
Spray a skillet or semi-deep pan with non-stick olive oil, add chicken and curry powder, add a little bit of chicken broth(I did 1/3 cup), cilantro, and a spoon full of greek yogurt, you would also add the ground flax seed in now if you have it, mix together and cook until chicken is golden. Eat as is or serve over brown rice! (I’m having this for lunch so I can’t speak for it yet- but it looks delicious)


Spicing up your chicken will spice up your life because you won’t be sad about eating flavorless chicken. 


What are your thoughts? Does anyone else have any good chicken recipes? Leave comments below!! 










Thankful Thursday

It’s Thursday- we’ve almost made it to the end of the week. Although we should be thankful 365 days out of the year- it is #ThankfulThursday so what do you have to be thankful for? What are you thankful for today? This week? In general. 

  1. pleased and relieved.
    “they were thankful that the war was finally over”
    synonyms: grateful, appreciative, filled with gratitude, relieved

    “she was thankful that the evening was over”
    • expressing gratitude and relief.
      “an earnest and thankful prayer”
      synonyms: grateful, appreciative, filled with gratitude, relieved

      “she was thankful that the evening was over”

I’m thankful for having people who care about me in life. I’m thankful to only have little things to worry about. Thankful for the opportunity to travel. 












Worthy Wednesday


It’s HUMP DAY. One day closer to Friday. Make the rest of the week count. 

  1. deserving effort, attention, or respect.
    “generous donations to worthy causes”

Today I am worthy of volunteering. It’s such an amazing and rewarding opportunity. I wish I did it more in high school and even more now than I do. I would really love to be able to volunteer in Bali this summer. I would get to plan and implement an activity for children there about health and nutrition.

Flights are a little pricey though so if you would like to help me here is the link for a Go Fund Me I have set up https://www.gofundme.com/morganinbali

For those of you who don’t know Bali is in Indonesia which is in Asia. 

I appreciate any help!! Have a great day and remember YOU ARE WORTHY.

Tell me why you are worthy, comment below!!































Thriving Tuesday

If you haven’t read my post from yesterday- click here to read it! It will explain the title of this blog.

I’m extremely tired like always but it’s going to be a thriving day.




gerund or present participle: thriving

  1. (of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously.

“the new baby thrived”

    • prosper; flourish.

“education groups thrive on organization”

synonyms: flourish, prosper, burgeon, bloom, blossom, mushroom, do well,advance, succeed, boom

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”
Maya Angelou

I love this quote. If you think about it- some people just live day to day to survive. Work the dead end job that makes them unhappy, stay in a broken marriage for the health benefits and income, but how many people are actually THRIVING? 

I challenge you to do something you love to do, something invigorating, daring, out of the ordinary. Find a job or a hobby that you can put your heart into. Live somewhere that makes you want to get up and sing with the birds in the morning. Surround yourself with people who make you smile. 

If we live just to survive are we really even living?

The Magic of Monday’s

A member of the gym I work at walked in this morning and said “Magical Monday” which prompted me to this post. So what’s so magical about Mondays? Although according to the calendar, Sundays are the official start to the week- everyone really believes it to be Monday.download

Monday is a fresh start. New week. New opportunities. New projects. New anything depending on what you do. Even if you work a job that feels like a song on replay, you’ll always experience new things and you can always have a new outlook and attitude on those things.download (2)

But why Monday? Why can’t we start fresh on a Wednesday? or Saturday? It’s all in the head. The way I am about things is “Oh I already did bad so I should just finish out the week this way and start fresh on Monday” My brain is programmed to think week to week and not day to day. Sure my mood can change day to day but if it’s something like my diet- I usually will continue to binge the rest of the week.

It’s said that you should never miss a Monday at the gym. This is probably because if you don’t workout on Monday, you’ll skip the rest of the week as well. 

Sure, Monday can set the mood for the entire week but why don’t we try and break this habit and make great things happen in the MIDDLE or END of the week. If we can make this happen- we will never need a Monday fresh start again. 

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So enough with just Motivation Monday what about Thriving Tuesday, Worthy Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Fabulous Friday, Splendid Saturday, and Special Sunday

I challenge you to write a post, post something on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat…whatever social media you use each day this week with the each of these amazing new days! #motivationmonday #thrivingtuesday #worthywednesday #thankfulthursday #fabulousfriday #splendidsaturday #specialsunday What are your thoughts? Post your comments below! 
















Hunger vs. Appetite

Hunger and appetite have completely different meanings and CAN NOT be used interchangeably. So what’s the real difference?

Hunger is our body actually telling us we need food. It’s the rumbling in our tummy and the “shakes” that some people get when they haven’t eaten in a while. 


Appetite is when our mind wants something. It’s walking by a case of doughnuts and not being able to resist, it’s smelling fried food from the food truck and wanting something, and it’s even that weird craving you suddenly got for a grilled cheese sandwich. 


Terrible Twos
Mixing hunger and appetite is recipe for disaster. If you’ve ever heard that you shouldn’t go to the grocery hungry, you’ll understand. Once you start walking by things your appetite will mix with hunger which will cause you to buy things that weren’t on your list. Also if you let yourself get hungry, you will probably go for something unhealthy because it has combined with your appetite unless of course you’re craving a salad. 


The solution for the dynamic duo
In order to avoid binging because your hunger caught up with your appetite the solution is to never get hungry!! If you eat 3 decent sized meals with small snacks in between or small meals throughout the day, you’ll probably never get to the point where you are truly hungry. If you eat something before you go to the grocery store- those cookies may look tempting but you have a better chance of leaving them on the shelf if you’re already satisfied. It’s also important to remember that you may not have an appetite but can still be hungry- so even if you don’t want to, you must eat something! 


The “Caveman” in us all
Back in the caveman days when our ancestors were hunting animals for food they didn’t have the luxuries and conveniences we do now. There is a reason we crave fat, sweets, and salt. The cavemen didn’t get to choose when they ate, they simply ate when they had food available. They wanted to “bulk up” on fats, sweets, and salts when they had the chance. We need a certain amount of sodium to regulate body functions and for  the water in our body, we need carbs as an energy source, and we also need fat for many functions. Blame the cavemen and your brain for your cravings. Especially when you are restricting these things from your diet, of course you’re going to binge when you get them because your body doesn’t know that you’re not a caveman and that the grocery store is right around the corner. 


What are your thoughts? Comment below. 














What the Heck is TRX?!

You may have seen some crazy looking strap things at your gym that no one really ever uses and you have no clue what they are. They are TRX suspension bands and they are actually amazing!

TRX works strength, core, balance and flexibility. The options you have using this small piece of equipment are endless and all you need is your body and the TRX suspension trainer.


TRX can be used for upper body, lower body, full body, core, stretching, and even yoga. It’s a little challenging for beginners who don’t have strength developed already but most workouts are done at an angle and to modify you just have to straighten your body more. 


When everything else is being used at the gym- don’t be intimidated by using the TRX. Of course it takes some getting used to but it is such a beneficial workout that leaves you feeling refreshed but you’ll be sore the next day. 


For a sample TRX workouts comment below or use the contact me page!